a drop in the digital ocean: blog

Hello and welcome to the blog! Here you can find a current total of 56 postings about making, robotics, micro-controllers, coding and other such stuff.

Koothrappali and the Arduino Motor Shield

In today’s post I am going to kill two birds with one stone as so to speak. Primarily I plan to introduce the Arduino Motor Shield R3 and provide an accompanying tutorial...

Simple Serial String Parsing

One of the requirements I came across whilst developing with the Arduino, as with the Netduino, was the need for effective 2 way serial communication between both the Arduino(s) and my desktop...

Project Leonard - Z Axis Coupling

Following on from yesterdays Project Leonard post, today I fortunately I managed to get a set of the Z Axis couplings I designed last night printed. ...

Project Leonard - Z Axis Issues

Well this evening I hit the first snag in the Leonard build. No matter how much I tightened the motor to 8mm bar couplers the bar would not grip....

Project Leonard - Y Carriage Build

Well some more of the parts for the Project Leonard build arrived today, more specifically the RAMPS electronics...

Project Leonard - Frame Build

Time for a quick update on my RepRap build, Leonard. Some of my part orders arrived at the weekend (kudos to thingfarm.org for great customer service)...

Project Leonard - My Own RepRap

Today I have started a new robotics project, Project Leonard. Leonard is to be my first CNC style automaton based on a RepRap design....

OpenNI in WPF via EmguCV

Another quick demo showing the Kinect’s IR stream running in a WPF app. This time the image is created as an EmguCV (OpenCV-C#) Image Gray, ushort....

Xbee Explorer Regulated - Netduino

A very quick example demonstrating the use of the Xbee Explorer Regulated Board as an alternative to the Arduino Xbee Shield for serial communication....